Shoe box repurposed into fancy storage box

I never have enough place to store hide stuff, especially since my flat doesn’t have enough hiding places, no built in closets…so everything is hidden…in plain sight.
As my crafts have started to take over my dining table, I have to figure out ways to hide away my craft stuff into the house décor. So I thought boxes…shoe box covered in gift wrapping paper.
I started by cutting a piece of wrapping paper big enough to cover all four sides of the box bottom and a little extra to fold over the edges.

I used a pencil to trace the exact place of the box on the back of the paper – this would help me when I’d have to glue the box to the paper, but also to make sure that no matter if I move the box, I could always find its place on the paper.
And since I would basically wrap the box in the paper, I realized that the four folded corners of the paper will be too big and will thicken the box. So I decided to cut them off yet leaving about an inch of paper to fold it in so I’d have nice corners.
Once the paper was trimmed, the gluing started. I coated the rectangle I had marked out with the pencil on the paper, with a thin layer of decoupage glue (Mod Podge) and placed the box on the paper. I thought that this way the paper would be straight without any air bubbles. 
Well, it didn’t turn out like that as the cardboard box was not heavy enough to remove the air bubbles. When I got to wrapping the box cover, I changed the technique and I coated the top of the cover and placed the paper on it. It was better like that.

At this point I started to glue the sides of the box: glue on the box, glued the paper and pressed well. In the photos you can see what I’ve done to the corners. 
I folded the extra paper over the edges, on the inside of the box. 

I did the same with the box cover and in the end I used the box to hide all mu adhesive tapes and wrapping ribbons.

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