M is for Maria (II)

I promised you yesterday that I will show you what Maria and I have done together.
I started off from the letter M and the picture of her favorite place in her house. 
You guessed! Maria is a big fan of Angry Birds so I thought…changed my mind….M is for Angry Bird Maria (truth be told, Maria is anything but an angry bird). Fine, but how? Because I need to prepare everything before she comes… 
I printed out pictures of the two famous Angry Birds.

I nicely cut out the beak, the eyes, the eyebrows and then I randomly cut the rest of the picture. We will glue the whole letter with pieces of the Bird’s body.
Then I thought it would take forever and as any kid she’ll get bored fast…

What if we glue onto the letter just the beak, the eyes, the eyebrows…fine, the mop of hair, too!...how would that turn out?
Well…I’ll see …I’ll figure it out as we go…

And the girls came… Maria’s Mom- very curious to see what I have done with the photo I asked from her, Maria- anxious as she gathered that when she comes over she gets to play and do interesting stuff.
After some small talk, we got started…No, not to work on the letter, but on something else, but I’ll tell you the story tomorrow.
Maria, do you know what letter this is?”….”M”, she says. “M for…?”….”Maria!!!!
Shall we make an Angry Bird out of it?”…Eyes wide open, she asks  How do we make an M shaped Angry Bird??? They are round!!!”…”Let’s imagine it…
And we started, as I had definitely raised her interest.
Disclaimer: busy preparing for Maria’s visit, I forgot to charge my camera, so I ended up taking pictures with my Blackberry, hence the photos are not the best, but they speak for themselves, I think.
Maria painted in yellow one side of the letter.
And now we wait for the paint to dry… “Is it dry yet?”….”How about now?”…."Is it dry yet?”…so I took out the hair dryer to speed it up.

The other side of the letter was going to be red, of course. The painting process produced some paint stains on the chin (and on the sleeve of the t-shirt, but don’t tell Mom, she will eventually find out when she’ll wash it…and navy blue goes very well with red…)  
We used the hair dryer again, because we were both in a hurry to see how do M-shaped Angry Birds look like.

Decoupage is a wonderful technique!
We laid down on the table the beak, the eyes, the eyebrows and the mop of hair of the yellow Angry Bird and we started gluing. 
Moving on to the red side. .. Now Maria already has experience so she does it on her own. 
And now we eat?” Maria asks…Oh yes, we eat, especially since the kid cooked.
So we ate, played around with the Big Black (well, at least as long as he was on our radar, as he ran away faster than Flash). Now he’s resting, pouting at me because of all the jogging he’s done  this evening.
And the girls left and…ooopppsss! We forgot to take pictures of the final Angry Birds!!!

Thanks God for the technology…

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