Apples, cinnamon and almond muffins

I have asked yesterday, in the office “If I were to bake over the weekend and on Monday I’d bring some to you, what would you like it to be?”  Macaroons, marshmallows, marshmallow cake, apple cake, cheesecake, New York cheesecake… As my job is split between two offices, I chose the common denominator: apples.
What did I already have in the pantry, around the kitchen? Surely apples! Almonds in different shapes and sizes, flour, sugar- both caster and brown- some yoghurt, some heavy cream…hmm…what shall I bake so that it will be easy to carry to work? Muffins!
And here I go:

100 g almond flour (grounded almonds)
125 g all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of nutmeg powder
Mixed them all in a bowl.
3 eggs

50 g brown sugar and 50 g caster sugar
1 creamy (Cremoso) yoghurt (I think it’s 70g) and 2 tablespoons of heavy cream
Placed them all in a mixer bowl.
The apples – two medium ones or a large one. Washed them.

Did you know that the best way to wash your fruits is not to let a gush of water run over them, but to leave them in cool water for a few minutes to soak. This way whatever might live on their  peel, stays in the water. That’s what I did with my apples.
Should I peel them or not? One yes, one not.

Here I smiled. When I was little, my granddad always made sure that I’d always have apples over the winter. Back in the olden days, one could not find apples during the winter, so towards the autumn end, he would always take care to buy apples- a lot of apples- Jonathan and Starkrimson Delicious. He’d wrap them in newspapers and place them in a big carton box on the balcony. In the mornings, after breakfast, he’d bring one apple and he’d always peel it. I was fascinated by how he managed to take the peel off in one go, without breaking it. As I grew older, I had always wanted to be able to do the same. It seems like I have managed this time .
Back to the muffins… I cut the apples in small pieces.
Then I placed them in the mixer bowl, together with the eggs. I also added the dry ingredients mix and stirred everything together. 
 Now let’s put together the muffins.
I filled the muffin pan wholes just about two thirds as the batter will rise.
I couldn’t leave the muffins simple, just like that so I put together some sort of topping.
50 g almond flour
1 fistful of chopped almonds
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
20 g of butter at room temperature
Put them all in a bowl and mixed with my fingers until  some sort of a crumble came out.
Let’s beautify the muffins:
22 minutes later I took them out of the oven which was preheated at 175 Celsius.
Wonderful muffins! They go perfectly with a hot mug of milk or next to the morning coffee.
I hope I can save some for my colleagues…

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