Broccoli and mushroom pie

When it comes to cooking veggies….my mind goes void….they seem so  limiting. But since my man is a veggie person, I have to get more veggies into my cooking. Which is not such a bad thing…
And since during the week we’re both at work, an easy to pack, easy to eat, even cold, dish is a good idea. 

Broccoli – that’s what I had in plan. That’s it. Just broccoli. The rest was void. Blank. I opened the fridge and took out  some potential ingredients…A broccoli pie…ah..and I had some left over mushrooms since I had cooked the Kittel casserole with Mari…and some sour cream…butter…flour…eggs…just what I needed for a pie …
I started off with the pie filling which was going to cook for a while.
½ kilo broccoli (about 10 bouquets)  
6 medium size mushrooms
1 medium onion
2 -3 cloves of garlic
spices- I used salt, pepper, oregano and curry
I washed the broccoli bouquets under a jet of cold water (yes, Mom, I know…I should’ve let them in a pot of cold, salted water to get all the residues out…but I didn’t have the patience) and then put it in a pot of boiling water and left it there for about 10 minutes- it didn’t need to be thoroughly boiled as it was going to get into the oven.
While the broccoli was cooking, I chopped the onion and the garlic and put them in a pan with hot olive oil. When the onions had turned glossy, I added in the medium chopped mushrooms. Then the spices went in.

While the veggies were doing their thing, I got started on the pie crust.
300 g flour
150 g butter
6-7 tablespoons of cold water
1 pinch of salt
Salt and flour in a bowl. Butter melted for about 1 minute in the microwave. Added butter to the flour and mixed everything together with my fingers until I had dough that looked and felt like wet sand. 
I split the dough in 3 equal parts- 1 for the pie cover and 2 for the pie bottom crust. The pie pan was buttered and covered with bread crumbs. Over  the breadcrumbs I put the dough and stretched it out to cover the bottom and the sides of the pan. Ideally I would have rolled the dough big enough to just lay it on the pie pan…but I never can do that…so I roll it as much as I can and then stretch it in the pan with my fingers.

I put the crust in the fridge as the dough had a lot of butter and I went back and dealt with the filling.
I took the mushrooms off the stove, drained the broccoli and took them out on the balcony to cool down- I needed them to be close to room temperature as I was going to add eggs and sour cream, and didn’t want everything to turn into a big omlette.
When they were cool enough  I mixed the broccoli and mushrooms together in a bowl… 
…and then added 3 eggs, well beaten together with 3 tablespoons of sour cream and poured everything in the pie crust. I saved a little beaten egg to brush over the pie crust at the end.

As the pie filling was quite liquid and I didn’t want it to prevent the crust from baking, before I added the filling I laid a coat of bread crumbs on the crust and then, on the top of the filling. The breadcrumbs were going to absorb some of the egg-sour cream mix.  
I was telling you at the beginning of this post that for me the veggies are one of those things that are just good for you but tasteless…so I felt the need to enrich the taste of the pie…
I opened the fridge…I took a look around and got some salty cheese left over from the Kittel casserole, some blue cheese and Grana Padana I had recently bought (but any mix of cheeses that you like/ have would go). Chopped them at will and sprinkled them over the pie filling. 

The pie “lid”…in my mind I was going to roll the 1/3 of dough I had saved…roll it round enough to cover the whole pie. It turned out that I didn’t have enough dough for that. So I reconfigured the plan. I cut out stripes of the rolled dough and made some sort of a grid on top of the pie. Brushed it with the saved beaten egg and off in the oven.

The oven was preheated at 170 Celsius and 40 minutes later… 

The cheese I added at the end sold it for me…even I liked the pie…my man said “Everything you cook is very good!”…I hope he’s not just saying that…


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