Cream cheese and berries muffins

When I made the berries and white chocolate cheesecake, I over estimated my pan and added too much of some of the ingredients to the cream cheese mix.
If this ever happens to you, there is always the safeguard solution- Muffins! I think that anything can be turned into a muffin…

So, I assessed the situation and in whatever was left from the cheesecake I added 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil, 100 g of all-purpose flour and ½  teaspoon of baking soda. The goal was to have a batter thick just like the one for the pancakes.

Easy peasy!
I nicely lined up the muffin papers in the pan, filled them about three quarters thinking that the batter will rise because of the baking soda. But I didn’t think it through to the end- the batter  had cream cheese in it, which is heavy and once cooled down, it would flatten. I should’ve  filled them all the way. 
 15 minutes in the preheated oven at 170 Celsius and the muffins were done! 

Tomorrow, in the office, we’ll indulge ourselves to a berry feast. 
Fruits are healthy, right? 
Even in cakes, right? 

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