Let’s paint, let’s colour…

The second terracotta pot keeps tempting me, asking for its beautification session. 

I first coated it with some primer, let it dry about half an hour, ‘cause I couldn’t wait any longer. When I get started on something, I have got to finish it, there and then, on the spot, no delays!
I also painted a coat of white acrylic paint over the primer, all over the pot, except for the collar. I couldn’t wait anymore for the paint to dry so I took out the hair dryer. 2 minutes and the paint was dry. 
The pot was going to be white, but the collar…the collar had to be a cheerful color, so I chose turquoise.
 Decoration of the white bit was next….with what? Some paper napkin. How? Decoupage  glue for ceramics. Technique? The same as for the apple pot, except that this time I didn’t use all three layers of the napkin, just the top one with the imprint.
One by one, my pieces of napkin found their places on the pot and at the end, to make sure they were going to stay where I had put them, I coated the whole pot with another layer of glue/varnish for decoupage.
Then the final touches.
And the final result…

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