Tulips, tulips, tulips…out of an egg carton

I was telling you in one of my posts that I am determined to reuse, recycle, upcycle all the stuff I have gathered around the house.
When I made the Oreo cheesecake I used the last two eggs and I got left with the egg carton.
I usually throw it away, but today, I looked at it and I saw…tulips! 

Let’s try!
I took the egg carton and got rid of its cover, then I tried to cut out with the scissors each egg  place. The cardboard was against it, so I gave it a try with a knife. I cut the cardboard as if it were a loaf of bread.
I then tried to shape each potential future flower to make it look as much as possible like a tulip….with the scissors…with the knife…with a little imagination, they do look like tulips…
They would surely look much better once I put some colour on them.

Tulips have a stem…what do I make it out of?
Skewer bamboo sticks!
Tulips also have pistils…how do I make those?
I painted green the skewer sticks all the way, except for their top. Their top I painted a dark brown.   
And the pollen? What do I make the pollen of? I’ll figure it out as I go….

They started to look like tulips!
I pierced each flower with the bamboo skewer – the new stem – and  I positioned the “pistil” to look as realistic as possible.

The pollen? After a quick review of whatever I had on the table, I saw the pieces of carton leftovers from cutting out the flowers. I cut small – small pieces, painted them in yellow and glued them to the top of the “pistil”. 
So now I have 5 egg carton tulips…now what? I need a “vase”.

As any cat owner, I have lots of lint rollers I use for the Big Black’s hair. Luckily, one of them came with a cap. Perfect! 

I’ll dress it up with twine!
With a tooth picker I spread some glue on the plastic cap- about  2 cm wide (not more, or else until I’d cover it with twine, it would dry out) and I started…first rolls of twine…looks good…so..tooth pick…glue...twine…tooth pick...glue...twine…
And after about 10 minutes…
It looked a little too simple, so I glued some buttons on it.
Don’t they look like tulips? 

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