Towards building my own Piece of Heaven…

They say happiness lays in little things.
This past year I kept searching for it, here and there- in the garden I have put together in my balcony, in the different goodies I have baked or cooked in my kitchen, in the small crafts  I did.
All of them I have taken pictures of, I admit, unprofessional , with my phone and shared them with the ones dear to me. 
I time traveled in my grandma’s garden every time I watered the tomatoes on the balcony – what a heavenly smell the tomato leaves have!  

I remembered all my travels when I put together the coins wall art picture made with  long lost coins. Have you ever took the time to carefully look at other countries’ coins?
I played around making salt dough Christmas tree decorations and then painting them. The delight on the faces of my dear ones when they have received them for Christmas! „Did you make them??”
Every year there is a group of about 30 carolers of all ages that, without fail, come to my place on Christmas day. How else could I wait for them, other than with a variety of cookies I baked?
How can I not be thrilled that I re-used an old and scrappy book into a beautiful door wreath?
How not to want to replicate such moments?
No, I don’t have a lot of free time- my average work day is of about 10 hours- but I am determined that the little spare time I have to fill it up with happiness moments and if, by means of this blog, I get another person to seek and find happiness in the little things, that I would have made a difference.
I invite you along with me to find back the little joys, to learn to use our imagination, to feel beautifully, to surround ourselves with the things that look pretty to us, to escape, at least for a few hours, this reeling rhythm of our lives and find our Piece of Heaven.

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