Oreo and cereals mini cheesecake

I hear that the Oreos are some sort of top of the nutritional pyramid for kids. Ore rule, or so  it seems. I did like the commercials, but I was never curious to try them.
Up until recently when I bought a 4-pack. Of course I couldn’t test them just like that, so I tried some sort of a cheesecake, put together with whatever else I had in the fridge…

2 mugs of crunchy chocolate cereals (Vitalis)
50 g melted butter
2 x 200 g packs of Philadelphia cream cheese
2 fully loaded tablespoons of heavy cream
2 eggs (which I forgot to place in the picture with the rest of the ingredients)
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
125 g sugar
16 Oreos
For the topping: 50 g dark chocolate + 1 teaspoon of butter and 50 g white chocolate + 1 teaspoon of butter 

The 2 mugs of cereals went straight in the blender to be powdered. Placed the powdered cereals in a bowl together with the melted butter and whisked them together until the mixture looked like crumbs.

This will make the crust of the cake.
I think it would also work out if instead of cereals I’d use Oreos, about 16, also crushed in the blender and mixed with about the same amount of butter.
The I moved on to the 2 packs of cream cheese- placed them in a mixer bowl together with the heavy cream and vanilla sugar, and mixed them until they became a fluffy cream. Then I added the 2 eggs and the sugar and mixed again for about 5 minutes.

Moving on to the Oreos. Crushed them all into little pieces and then tossed them into the cream cheese mixture. 

In a pan…(and now I went to measure it, as I have no idea of its dimensions) …30 x 20 cm, I tossed the cereal mix in and pressed it with my palms until it formed a crust.
Over the crust I poured the Oreo and cream cheese batter. 
The oven was preheated at 160 Celsius so it was ready to welcome the cake for about 30 minutes. Left it to cool a little (too little as it seemed, as I ran out of patience) and the cut it into little squares. 
I think that if I would have let it cool down completely, I could have cut it nicer.
As it didn’t look too pretty and because I am a true believer of the fact that we first savour the food with our eyes and then the rest, I had decided to decorate it with some melted chocolate.
I put the dark chocolate and the butter in a bowl over steaming water and stirred them until melted. In my mind the chocolate was going to be very liquid and I would be able to dript it on the cake. Well…it didn’t turn out like that, so I had to improvise the decorating technique. 
I did the same with the white chocolate.

I saved 3 pieces for myself, and the rest of it went to the office.
The cake is a perfect combination between the crunchiness of the cereal crust and the puffiness of the cheese cream, between the sweetness of the Oreos, of the chocolate topping and the soft sourness of the cream cheese.
It’s an easy to make, easy to eat desert.

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