Chocolate trio muffins

Don’t you, once in a while, get a craving for something full of chocolate and puffy?
There are no better deserts than the ones with chocolate. Lots of chocolate!
Chocolate cake from today can be baked in any sort of tray or pan, but I chose the muffin pan.
150 g all-purpose flour, mixed with one teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. 

1 milk chocolate (100g), together with 1 dark chocolate (100 g, 70% cacoa) and a stick of unsalted butter (200g) put together in the sauna.
 4 eggs with 125 g sugar, mixed

While mixing the eggs with the sugar, the chocolate and the butter have melted, just in time to add 2 sachets of Bourbon vanilla sugar (you can replace with vanilla extract) and 125 g of sugar. 
I left them a little while longer in the steam and then I transferred everything in a bigger bowl. While slowly stirring in the hot chocolate, I added the mixed eggs, until the chocolate batter became quite glossy.
And the last phase: the flour. Carefully adding the flour, as if sifting it, and slowly stirring it in the batter, from bottom up so that there are no clumps. The batter became  sticky…and delicious ( couldn’t help myself  and tasted it).

In the pan and into the oven with the chocolaty muffins!
And I have enough left for a second batch- yum-yum!

First round:
On the second batch I added some small pieces of white chocolate. 


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