Plastic bags, plastic bags, plastic bags

Whenever I go grocery shopping, I never ever take some of the plastic bags I already have at home, even though I always promise myself I would. The result? Lots and lots of plastic bags that I never throw away, as net time I will suuurely take one or two with me. Riiight!
So, I have tried to find a place to store them and a way of making them small and fold them in an organized manner. Again…riiiiight!
Up until now I used to fold them like this:

I made them smaller, but they still looked disorganised.
So I started looking for other ways to fold them, and here’s what I found:

Bingo! This is it! Nicely folded, without any chance of unfolding. Since they are so small and compact now, for sure I will always carry one or two in my bag. If not, then at least they are organized waiting for their turn to play the role of trash bin bags. 

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