Apple pot

No, it is not a new crock pot recipe…although, if I think about it, it could be a good recipe. But no, the apple pot I am making today is not edible.
I was saying in my previous post that today I was going to „attack” one of the terracotta pots that I recently bought.

I started out by preparing it with a layer of acrylic primer. I am not sure how necessary it is, but I enjoyed it, it gave me the time to visualize how my pot would look like in the end. 
I had some paper napkins with apples print that I had bought a while ago. Ideally I would have wrapped the whole pot in a napkin, but I figured I wouldn’t be able as the napkin would crease a lot. So I decided I would cut it in wide stripes and try it like that. It didn’t work. It still creased. So I made it easier and cut the stripes into smaller pieces. 

Decoupage glue, pieces of paper napkin, another layer of decoupage glue and a final layer of acrylic varnish which would make the paper waterproof- ta-dam!- apple pot. 
Hmmm…maybe I’ll put together a recipe with the same name …waiting for the inspiration….

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