Duct tape bag out of a kitchen towel

Since I have started to seek relaxation time and my way out of the day to day routine by crafting, I’ve started bringing out from my storage boxes and drawers all sorts of potential materials for my future craft projects, so I’m in dire need of some organization of my craft creation corner.
Besides that, one of my goals is to stop throwing away so easily the things which, at first sight, I might think I would not need anymore.
When I brought the sea coast in my bedroom, I had some scraps of fabric left and I keep moving them around. So, in the spirit of upcycling, I took one of them out, laid it on the table and waited to get an idea of what to do with it…
If only I could make a bag… a purse…a sachet...a “something” to hide all my balls of yarn… 

I don’t have a sewing machine…I’d get dead bored to sew that much…what if instead of sewing, I glue….Hmmmm….I’d use up too much fabric glue…
What if I use a paper stapler? I do have one, but the staples are small…and the fabric  is soft and it would rip away…
And then I saw the grey duct tape you can see in the photo...I’ve had since I had to do some house work and the workers needed it for something….Hmmm…if I were to stick it on the back of the fabric, it would become more firm, I would be able to staple it and whatever bag would come out, would be able to stand…I think I saw this idea somewhere….
So I cut the fabric into two stripes and the wider one became my tester fabric for this “something” for yarn storage.

Remember that this fabric used to be a kitchen towel? And as any kitchen towel, it had a hook, a tag to hang it with. I removed that and saved it to use it later.  
I folded the fabric in half and put a rectangular box in it just to figure out how big and wide the bag would be…

The bottom margins of the fabric, those on the sides of the box, I cut out, as that’s where the fabric fold would be. 

I then cut out the extra duct tape on the edges of the fabric.
I folded again the taped fabric in half and I started to staple on the edges, leaving a  seam of about 1 cm…

I opened up the seam in an attempt to remain unfolded so I could duct tape it too. I even tried with the meat hammer…no, I didn’t beat the crap out of the seam (although the idea crossed my mind) but I have tried to press it open. 

No success.
So I just duct taped it.

I applied the same treatment to the bottom corners. 

It started to look like a bag….
I wanted to be able to close it, with a flap; otherwise the Big Black would most certainly play some football with my yarn balls.
I took the second stripe of fabric; I measured it by the eye to fit the opening of the bag, taped it with duct tape and stapled it to one of the edges of the bag. 

So this is how it looked like…

Then I thought I’d like the flap to have a round finish and the best circle to use to cut around it…was a plate.

I sew the hook onto the flap and a button on the front of the bag and that was it!
And until I’ll be using my yarn balls again, the new bag can be a décor element in my sea coast and sea shells bedroom.

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