Let there be spring

It snowed again. After 3 days of sunshine and spring like weather. The 3 days of sunshine put me in a mad mood for gardening. What gardening to do when the weatherman talks about a yellow code for blizzard?
At least I can get ready! Said and done!
I ran over to one of the bricolage places around here and got myself 4 terracotta pots. Ordered myself some acrylic  primer , decoupage glue (the European version of Mod Podge), some acrylic  paints and as of yesterday I have started.
I started off with a different type of pot though:  a plastic sort of jar, laying around the balcony since last year. I washed it, got rid of any grease and made some wholes in its bottom for the excess water to drip out- I am going to use it as a flower pot, right? 
I wanted it to be cheerfull. My whole balcony garden shall be cheerfull. So I looked through  my gift wrapping paper stas hand found one to cheer me up.

I measured the height of the future pot and cut out a stripe of paper with about 2 cm wider and to make it easier for me to glue it to the pot, I cut it in smaller stripes. 
So I started: some decoupage glue, a stripe of paper at a time, glued to the pot – pppfftt! It’s tough to craft and take pictures at the same time!

I added some paper thread on the top margin of the jar and in the end, covered everything with another layer of decoupage glue. 
And here’s the result. My very first handmade, upcycled, cheerful pot for my future balcony garden.
Let there be spring! 
I am getting ready. 
Today I will „attack” one of the terracotta pots.  

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